Brutal Faceslapping

Vicious slaps to the face!

All articles tagged with "Slapping"

Mistress Madita did not want anything to do with her ex. But he wanted to have a no strings attached relationship with her. But she did not want that and she felt insulted by that. She had to teach him a lesson and she did so using her slap fetish. She made sure he was in pain for him to know that she was serious and that she did not want such nonsense.

Lady Victoria had asked this guy to be considerate but he was not. She did not want it to continue and that is why she chose to use her brutal faceslapping to deal with him. He was shocked at how she wore her gloves and then used them to slap the shit out of him. He wished he had never messed with her or pissed her off but it was too late.

Mistress Gaia had two lazy slaves and she felt that they had to be punished if they were to change. That is exactly what she did and she ensured that they learned their lesson and that they changed their ways. The two of them were turned into human ponies and she rode their backs before she slapped the shit out of them. They never messed up with her after that.

This mistress likes to hold people accountable for what she asks them to do. But this guy did not want to be held accountable for anything he did. He refused to be held accountable and that pissed the mistress so much that she had to force him to accept accountability. She did this by forcing him to endure her spit as well as her hard and hot slaps on his face.

Goddess Lena did not want this guy to lust after her. She knew she was hot but she did not like this guy and she did not want him to even find her attractive. So she invited him to her house to make him understand that message. She teased him with her hot body by being skimpily dressed and him being naked. She had him lick her feet and she slapped the shit out of him then teased and denied him. The message was home.

When these mistresses found out that this guy was being vulgar towards them, they had to punish him and teach him a lesson. The mistresses slapped the shit out of him and made sure that he learned that he was never supposed to do that to people he hardly knew and who had no issue with him in the first place. He learned a painful lesson and never repeated his mistake.

This mistress had thought that this guy was interesting and that they could kick it together but it ended up being that they got bored together as he was boring as fuck. The mistress felt that dealing with him was not going to help her in any way and so she turned on him and she slapped him for her own fun and enjoyment. That is how she killed her boredom.

This guy had secrets mistress Chloe wanted to lay her hands on. But the guy did not play ball when she asked him to give them to her. So she had no choice but to teach him a lesson and she did it as he knelt down with his hand tied to his back. He tried his best to endure the pain and to beg her for mercy but she did not stop until he had told her what she needed to know.

This mistress was disappointed at the way in which this tenant delayed in paying his rent. She knew he had the means to pay but he was too miserly and it pained him to spend. So she did the next best thing according to her and she slapped him painfully to make him agree to do whatever she wanted him to do. And that is how he learned to pay his rent on time.

When this mistress realized that this guy was lazy, she knew she had to do something about it. And she did not hesitate to cruelly beat up his ass. She did this by brutally slapping him after she had made him kneel down and she had tied down his hands behind his back. With access to whichever body part of his she wanted, she cruelly slapped the shit out of him.

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