Brutal Faceslapping

Vicious slaps to the face!

This mistress is hot and she knows it. She has big round tits that are to die for and an ass that is spankable. She is tall, has a nice figure and she is tattooed. She is easy on the eye and has everything going for her. But for the guys who like to admire her and try to seduce her, she also something they do not know. She loves to slap and brutally so especially guys who are losers.

Lady Cruella was out to make memories. She had rented a slave and she was busy doing the nasty things she had fantasized about it. But now that he was finally there, everything from her head disappeared and she only remembered to slap him. She slapped him hard and made sure he was in a lot of pain. He begged her to forgive him but she ignored her pleas for mercy.

This mistress knows the best way to humiliate a slave is to make sure he is in a lot of pain. That is the language of the slave and this slave was spoken to in that language by this mistress. She forced him to lie down and she trampled him and tortured him with hard slaps. She did not want to use anything other than hard slaps but it worked just as effectively.

Mistresses Teodora, Sonny and Daria hired a slave to torture. They did not want to have a slave who lived in their house since he would be an extra mouth to feed and someone to watch over and they did not have time for that. They wanted to have fun humiliating a person so they paid this guy and kicked him and slapped him as hard as they wanted.

Lady Cruella is a cruel mistress and derives her name from torturing people sometimes for no reason. She is a sadist and enjoys it when others are in pain. If she realizes she was the cause of someone's misery, she is very happy. Today she slapped this loser and yet he had not done anything to him. She used an excuse to punish him and later pretended to apologize when she "realized" it was not her.

Lady Betty does not like dishonest people and this guy wanted to make money from her using deceptive means. She pretended to fall for it all the while looking for the best way to corner him. When he wanted her to hand the money to him, she told him she wanted to give it where no one saw him. When they got to such a place, she turned on him and she slapped him cruelly and brutally.

Mistress Venus Vendetta did not like how her landlord always harassed her. She did not like the arbitrary rent increases so she squared it out with him as she was not one to involve the authorities in small matters like that one. She slapped him hard as he knelt down in front of him and made him pledge never to increase her rent for another 3 years when they would review it.

It had been long since mistress Gaia had punished a slave as hard as she felt like doing. She was dying to slap a slave hard so she looked for a scapegoat in order to punish this slave. She found one and she used it to tie him up and render him defenseless. She then slapped him as hard as she could till she felt pain on her hand and he was blistered on his face.

Mistresses Joss and Meg are knew this guy was trying to seduce them and have a threesome with them. They did not like him and tried to show him so but he insisted and even told them he could pay them. They were insulted but they pretended they were in agreement. They went home together and he paid them and since he had paid, he had to get value for his money. They slapped him hard and abused his face leaving it all red before they went away.

If there is one thing that this mistress is good at, it is using her hot looks and her naughty skills to humiliate guys. She knows few guys can resist her and she knows how to mind fuck them so that they do whatever it is she wants them to do. Today she lured this guy with the promise of rough sex, but she ended up slapping him and brutally dominating him till he begged her to let her go. She had no intention of having sex with him but to torture him

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